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Der Nordwest Quadrant des Sternbilds Carina
The northwest quadrant of the constellation Carina


Der Nordwest Quadrat des Sternbilds Carina - Unser Bild zeigt ein kleines widefield Mosaik, bestehend aus 2 Segmenten, des Sternbilds Carina an der Grenze zum Sternbild Vela (Segel des Schiffs). Es zeigt von Ost nach West folgende Objekte in einer Übersicht. Der große Carinanebel NGC 3372, NGC 3324, NGC 3293, IC 2581, NGC 3247 und der Sichelnebel NGC 3199.

Object description

The northwest quadrant of the constellation Carina - Our image shows a small widefield mosaic, consisting of 2 segments, of the constellation Carina at the border to the constellation Vela (sail of the ship). It shows from east to west the following objects in an overview. The large Carina nebula NGC 3372, NGC 3324, NGC 3293, IC 2581, NGC 3247 and the southern crescent nebula NGC 3199.

The northwest quadrant of the constellation Carina

Image data

08.06..2022 - each 12 x 600 s, ZWO ASI 071 Pro - Color (cooled)
Telescope: William RedCat 51 APO 250 mm f/4,9 Flatfield
Location: Chamäleon Observatory, Onjala Lodge, Namibia

Image acquisition and processing: DeepSkyStacker, PixInsight + Photoshop

Center coordinates: RA: 10h 31m 00s / DE: - 57 55 30

Sonne Mond Sonnensystem DeepSky Weitwinkel Verschiedenes Spez. Projekte
All Images and all Content are © by Franz Hofmann + Wolfgang Paech