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3 Highlights des südlichen Himmels
3 Highlights of the southern sky

Unser Bild zeigt eine widefield Ansicht - bestehend aus 6 Segmenten - von 3 Highlights des südlichen Himmels, die nahe beieinander stehen. Es sind von Süd nach Nord die Galaxie NGC 4945, den Kugelsternhaufen Omega Centauri und Centaurus A (NGC 5128) die Radiogalaxie.

Image description

Our image shows a widefield view - consisting of 6 segments - of 3 highlights of the southern sky, which are close to each other. They are from north to south the galaxy NGC 4945, the globular cluster Omega Centauri and Centaurus A (NGC 5128) the radio galaxy.

Hight resolution images from us here.

3 Highlights of the southern sky

Image data

20. + 21.07 2022 - each 12 x 300 s, ALCCD 12 (cooled)
Telescope: William RedCat 51 APO 250 mm f/4,9 Flatfield
Location: Chamäleon Observatory, Onjala Lodge, Namibia

Image processing: DeepSkyStacker, Pixinsight and Photoshop by Bernd Gooßmann

Center coordinates approx.: RA: 13h 18m 30s / DE: - 45 45 30

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All Images and all Content are © by Franz Hofmann + Wolfgang Paech